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Cary Bazalgette

As a teacher and a teacher trainer, I notice when people reveal a talent for teaching, whatever their field. Two key skills that all teachers need are observation and tact: they need to be able to identify learners’ needs and persuade them that they have something to learn, without making them feel foolish.

My first contact with Roma was two years ago when she suggested an improvement to the stretching technique I was using. Gym instructors don’t often make spontaneous approaches to gym users: there is an obvious risk of seeming intrusive and bossy. But Roma immediately communicates the feeling that she really cares and wants to help. I, therefore, asked for her to review my progress on a regular basis and she has been an enormous help.

Older women like myself who use the gym can easily feel a bit marginalized: Roma’s enthusiasm and knowledgeable support is thus extremely welcome. Her major intervention for me was when she asked me to set myself a goal, and seized on my rather vague notion of wanting to lose weight. Over the past ten months, she has seen me through a major physical transformation: I have lost 15 kilos and gained in strength and flexibility, thanks not only to the exercises she has set for me but also to her continuing positive comments and helpful suggestions about diet and lifestyle. Roma offers a mix of professional expertise and friendliness that is essential for building learners’ trust and enabling them to persevere.

From the point of view of a gym user, I can confidently recommend Roma for future roles in gym instruction and physical training.